Wednesday 12 April 2023 Aachen (Germany)


Do you count yourself as a bioinformatician or do you work with large biological datasets? If yes, please feel welcome to join us in Aachen and share your expertise with other scientists from the local area. 

  • When? Wednesday 2023-04-12 09:00 – 15:00
  • Where? Institute of Medical Microbiology Library (Lift D4; 6th Floor; Room 45), University Hospital of RWTH Aachen, Pauwelsstraße 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany

Why Bioinformaix?

Bioinformatics personnel are scattered across different institutes in Aachen, Germany, which prevents us from knowing each other, being able to collaborate or exchange tips.

Therefore, we want to gather all the separated bioinformaticians to chat and discuss about our research, and any problems we face, so that we can create a bioinformatics community in Aachen.

How to participate?

Participants are invited to submit an abstract to present their published or on-going research, but submission is not mandatory.

The re-use of existing presentations is highly encouraged to reduce any additional workload if the bioinformatics-related research is clearly highlighted.

Please register to the event and/or submit your abstract using the menu on the left (NB: You will be ask for a mock paiement of 0€ to be able to register without submission).

Additional information

  • Deadline for abstract submission and registration is 2023-03-31 23:59
  • Catering and coffee breaks will be provided to the participants
  • Questions can be sent to
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